Friday, December 9, 2011

I'm gonna like it when I'm 50...

Being carded when buying alcohol at 28 years old, I get that. That's acceptable. So you think I'm 15, fine, how do you feel after you look at my ID and see that I'm 28?!? HA!
I get asked my age at work all the time. Seriously, maybe 3 times a week. It's like they think it's bring your child to work day and they don't know who's child I am or why I'm pretending to actually do a job.
I let these things roll off my back. But, being carded to get into an R rated movie, yep I kind of took a hit there. "How old do you have to be these days to see an R rated movie" I ask the guy in the ticket booth, who by the way does not seem even the tiniest bit embarrassed after seeing I am 28 like I mentioned I secretly hoped for in these situations. "17 or accompanied by an adult" he rattles off without a care in the world that from the very moment he asked to see my ID (after the split second of course where I thought he was kidding) I have freaked myself out going through scenarios in my head, in a matter of about 5 seconds, as to why he could possibly be asking me for this. All of which sting just a tad.
Second 1: Is he flirting? As I am far from skilled in this talent, I think he looks 17ish so maybe he's I flirt back? No, are you crazy, you AREN'T 17, come back to reality!
Second 2: I thought long and hard about this outfit, does it really make me look 11 years younger than I actually am?! Crap, that is definitely not what I was going for. Wait, I'm sure this guy knows nothing about fashion. He wears a uniform everyday for work and for all we know could possibly not even be wearing pants as he sits in a booth all day.
Second 3: So, I'm not buying this ticket alone...does he think the person I'm with, who is older than me, is also under age 17? Does he think the person I'm with is my parent? No, that would mean I could get in according to the earlier recited rule. Does he think I'm dating someone twice my age? Maybe he thinks I'm being kidnapped and forced to see an R rated movie against my will.
Second 4: In my head, I tell myself not to speak. My voice is a dead giveaway to a 5 year old dressed up to look 28. Except I had already spoke and lets be honest, in situations like this, I do nothing but ramble. NOT speaking was NOT an option.
Second 5: Should I just run? Things like this give me anxiety, so maybe I should just run.
By the time I get into the movie, my heart is pounding like I actually AM under age and shouldn't be here. I get the nervous sweats sneaking candy into the theater, now I'm nervous just sitting in my seat. A seat that I paid a pretty penny for and have had the right to be sitting in, fearlessly, for the last 11 years.
At the end of the movie, I decide this is an evil scheme where the theaters are taking advantage of fragile women in order to make money because I am definitely going to have to see that movie again since, thanks to my youthful appearance, I didn't see a single thing.

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